Viewing recipes with COATED RICE CAKES!!!
- Rice cakes coated in lemon (or any other flavor)
- Granola
- Cream Cheese
- Red fruits
- Lemon Zest
- Stevia
1- Mix the cream cheese with the lemon zest and stevia.
2- Insert granola at the bottom of the glass.
3- Add a layer of cream cheese mixture and add crushed rice cakes.
4- Cover with red fruits of your choice.
Coconut Pie
- Rice cakes coated in White Chocolate
- Dulce de leche/Caramel or Peanut Butter
- Grated Coconut
1- Toast de grated coconut in a pan.
2- Spread the Dulce de Leche/Caramel or Peanut Butter on the rice cake.
3- Sprinkle the grated coconut at the top.
Deluxe Fit Dessert
- Deluxe rice cakes coated in chocolate
- Peanut Butter
- White Chocolate
- Strawberries
1- Spread the rice cakes with peanut butter and slice strawberries.
2- Cover with another rice cake.
3- Decorate with white chocolate.
Chocolate dessert with lemon
- 1 Bar of dark chocolate
- 1/2 cup of fat free cream cheese
1- Melt the chocolate and mix it with cream cheese.
2- Put into individual molds and take to refrigerator.
3- Serve with coated rice cakes in lemon.
Dulce de Leche Mousse
- 300 grams Cream Cheese
- 400 grams Dulce de Leche "Repostero"
- 300 grams Whipping Cream
- Coated rice cakes in dulce de leche
1- Mix the cream cheese with the dulce de leche.
2- Beat cream with electric mixer.
3- Join both preparations.
4- Put into individual molds and take to refrigerator.
5- Unmold on a coated rice cake.
Healthy Granola
- Coated rice cakes in strawberry yogurt
- Greek Yogurt
- Fresh Fruit (blueberries and strawberries)
- Granola
1- Layer yogurt, fruits, granola and pieces of coated rice cakes.
2- Repeat the layers until all of the ingredients are used completely.
Traditional Argentine “Chocotorta” gluten free
- Deluxe rice cakes coated in dark chocolate
- Coffee, milk or chocolate milk (choose 1)
Relleno - 200 grams of fat free cream cheese
- 200 grams of low sugar dulce de leche
1- Mix the fat free cream cheese and the dulce de leche until well blended.
2- Pour coffee/milk/chocolate milk in a bowl and prepare a rectangular (preferable) glass or ceramic dish for cake.
3- Soak the cookies in coffee or milk or chocolate milk (usually takes around 20-30 seconds each), sticking each one directly next to the other in rows covering the surface of the dish
4- After the first layer of cookies is placed in the dish, spread a thick layer of the dulce de leche/Cream cheese mixture over the layer of cookies. Continue this layering (alternating between rice cakes and dulce de leche/Cream Cheese mixture) until running out of cookies or reaching the top of the dish.
5- Place cake in freezer for at least 1 hour.